Everyone knows,Many prototypes of Canon bc.game lottery R7,Before any professional camera is officially released,Manufacturers have to test several prototypes。The best one approved for production。If we believe the latest rumors,Canon is currently conducting new machine testing internally as scheduled,It is reported,bc.game lottery R7 will ship in August or September 2021。
Rumored Canon bc.game lottery R7 core specifications:
32.5 millibc.game lottery pixel APS-C CMOS sensor
DIGIC X image procesbc.game lotteryr
UHD 4K 60p and Full HD 120p video recordbc.game lotteryg 10bit bc.game lotteryternal video recordbc.game lotteryg
Sensor displacement 5-axis image stabilizatibc.game lottery
Please remember,As we said at the beginning,The above specifications are one of the prototypes of Canon bc.game lottery R7。Camera companies conduct some testing of prototypes before high-end cameras are officially released。Rumors also suggest Canon also has prototype cameras with 45MP and 20MP APS-C CMOS sensors。Therefore,We must wait,Let’s see which camera prototype finally gets production line approval。
Canon bc.game lottery R7 is said to be the successor of Canon 7D Mark II。Canon stopped selling the Canon 7D series not long ago,Currently the bc.game lottery 90D is sold as Canon’s APS-C flagship digital SLR。
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